Prof. Dr. M. A. Solomon
Prof. Dr. M. A. Solomon joined Siena College of Professional Studies, Edakochi on 30th April 2022. Former Principal of St. Albert’s College (Autonomous), Ernakulum, Dr. M.A Solomon was a faculty in the Department of Chemistry for over 32 years. He was an alumnus of St. Albert’s College during 1987-89 (M.Sc Chemistry). He obtained Ph.D from Polymer Science and Rubber Technology, CUSAT in 2003. He is also a Research Guide in the Department of Chemistry, since 2016. He has many publications to his credit in National and International Journals. He was the Head of the Department of Chemistry and also the Chairman, Board of Studies in Chemistry and Research Center. He was the Deputy Controller of Examinations (2016-2020) and the Controller of Examinations (2020-21) in St. Albert’s College (Autonomous), Ernakulum. He was also the Member Secretary of the Academic Council and is a Life member of Indian Society of Analytical Scientists – Kerala Chapter.
Lt. Dr. M. A. Solomon was also the Associate NCC Officer of NCC Naval wing in St. Albert’s College and lead the NCC Naval Wing, from 2004 to 2021. He was also the Programme Officer of National Service Scheme (NSS) during the period 1992-96.