The Siena College of Professional Studies Library is the soul of the institution and it acquires, processes, preserves and disseminates information to the user community with the motto of empowering knowledge. It has an extensive collection of books, reference materials for satisfying the academic and research needs of the students and faculty. The College Library has the collection of latest books on Computer Science, Commerce, Management, English, as well as General Subjects. The collection includes books, journals, magazines, project reports. The library has automated all its library activities to provide effective and wide range of academic resources such as books, journals, online databases.

- All staff and students are members of the College Library.
- The Library remains open from 8.30 am to 4.00 pm on all working days.
- Students must compulsorily wear College identity card while being in the library. Show the ID card at the time of books check-out/check-in.
- Strict silence shall be observed in the Library.
- Library users should enter his/her name, course, semester, time-in, time-out in the register kept at the entrance.
- Leave all bags on the rack at the main entrance while entering the library.
- Periodicals, Journals, Reference books, old question papers and Projects are available only for reference.
- Students are requested to examine the books carefully before borrowing and report it, in case of any damages.
- If a borrowed book is lost or damaged, the borrower should replace the same edition or latest edition of the same book.
- Mobile phones are not allowed inside the library. Other electronic devices like laptops shall be used for learning purpose only, with prior permission of the librarian, without causing disturbance to others.
- Former students & outsiders are allowed to use the Library with the prior permission of the Principal.
- The period of loan of books is 14 days for UG students and 30 days for PG students, including the day of issue, after which a fine of Rs. 1/- per day per book will be levied.
- A UG student can borrow 2 books and PG student 5 books at a time. Books will be re- issued only one time. Books in demand/reservation may not be reissued.
- Take proper care of all library resources.
Library rules and regulations are subject to review by the Library committee from time to time.