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  .Siena College of Professional Studies has been NAAC Accredited with a CGPA of 2.85 on a seven point scale at B++ Grade.  •      .  •     .   •  



Programme Code: SCPS/CS/DP/2019-20

Class: III BCA          Total Hours: 36 hours          Modules:  5


Module 1 – Basics of Drawing tools and Paint software (6 Hrs.)

Basics of Drawing and Designing Tools using MSPaint: Introduction, About the limits of MS Paint, Presentation and setup of user interface and help, Open and save an image Knowledge of available file types (JPG, TIFF, ICO, PNG, GIF…), Set opened image as desktop wallpaper Display options (zoom, miniature, grid, etc.), Define or resize the size of an image (nonfunctional transparency), Drawing tools overview Colors selection with right click/left click in the palette Copy/Paste from selection with or without transparency,  Insert an external image in a composition, Colors number selection and color inversion.

Module 2 – Introduction to GIMP/Photoshop (8 Hrs.)
Getting Acquainted with Photoshop / GIMP, Basic Image Manipulation,  Color Basics, Painting Tools, Brush Settings Making Selections, Filling and stroking Layers, Advanced Layers, Text, Drawing, Using Channels and Masking, Manipulating images, Getting to know the work area, Using Adobe Bridge, Basic Photo Corrections Retouching and Repairing, Working with selections, Layer Basics, Masks and channels, Correcting and enhancing digital photographs, Topographic design, Vector drawing techniques, Advanced Layer techniques, Vector Composting, Creating Links within an image, Creating rollover web, visuals Animating GIF images for the web, Producing and printing consistent color
Module 3 – Fundamental Concepts of Word processing (8 Hrs.)
Elements of Word Processing: Objective of Word-Processing, Word-Processing Basics, ASCII and ISO-Unicode for Indian Languages, Opening and Closing Documents, Text Creation and Manipulation, Formatting Text, Table Manipulation, Column and picture manipulation, Page Setup.
Module 4 – Using PageMaker to understand Page Layout (9 Hrs.)
Getting Started with PageMaker, PageMaker Interface, Creating a New Document, Managing Document Layer, Creating & Editing Text, Working with Edit Story, Managing Text as an Object Working with Text and Graphics, Using Graphics, Applying Colors to Graphics, Framing Graphics, Cropping and masking Graphics, Working with Layers, Working with Master Pages, working with Plugins, Using Text Wrap Using Advanced Features, Creating a PDF Document in PageMaker, Working with Data Merger, Using Scripts, Using Object Linking and Embedding, Color Separation Capabilities, Printing
Module 5 – Project Work (5Hrs.)
Project work Design Process Designing Aids Printing and presentation After successful completion of the module, the students shall be able Apply design process for realization of the required design/product. Design and develop various graphics, text etc.

If you Have Any Query Call Us On +91 (0)484 - 2972720