Module- 1- Introduction to Business Analytics (8 Hrs.)
Define business analytics; Explain the relationship of analytics and business intelligence to the
subject of business analytics; Three steps of the business analytics process ; Four data classification
measurement scales; The relationship of the business analytics process with the organization
decision-making process.
Module-2- Business Analytics Process (7 Hrs.)
Descriptive analytic analysis; Predictive analytic analysis; Prescriptive analytic analysis; Outcome of
the entire BA analysis; Measurable increase in business value and performance.
Module-3 (7 Hrs.)
Relationship of BA Process and Organization Decision-Making Process Perception of
disequilibrium: Observe and become aware of potential problem (or opportunity) situations;
Diagnostic process: Attempt to understand what is happening in a particular situation. – Problem
statement; Identify and state problems and solution strategies in relation to organization goals and
objectives; Solution strategy selection.
Module- 4 (6 Hrs.)
The organization decision-making process (ODMP) Detailed study of 5 steps of ODMP
Module- 5 (8 Hrs.)
Align Resources to Support Business Analytics within an Organization Explains how an
organization needs to support BA- How do we align resources to support BA within an